Monday, October 21, 2013

Shutdown's end lets couple wed at N.J. lighthouse

They fell in love within its drafty cupola one winter day two years ago, and  Kiki Delivery Service Costume  for nearly every weekend since, the whitewashed beacon at the tip of Sandy Hook, N.J., became their reliable idyll, a second home to theirs along the Delaware River.
It was without fail: Their truck would be packed with buckets and rafts and be on the road by 8.
When Superstorm Sandy strafed the narrow barrier with a historic surge, the couple still came, even if it was to shovel sand rather than play in it.
They loved the lighthouse so much they decided they wanted to be the first ones in its 249 years to get married inside of it.
Nothing could replace the lighthouse.
Heather Rusczyk and her two sons, Samson, 11, and Simon, 8, had never been anywhere like it.
Rusczyk, a gardener who was freshly divorced, met Eric Decibus, a home improvement contractor also newly divorced, right after Tropical Storm Irene hit New Jersey in 2011. She was cleaning his neighbor's yard in Lambertville, N.J., and Decibus asked if she could clean his yard, too. She did.
"I said, 'I'm going to have to start dumping my neighbors' garbage all over my yard to get you to come back.' " said Decibus, 46.
He took a more sanitary tack instead. He proposed that he, Rusczyk and her two boys take a day trip to Sandy Hook. He told them they could play at the beach and see rockets at Fort Hancock.
He saved the best part for last. They took the spiral steel stairs nearly 100 feet up and stood in the cupola where the beacon shoots light across the Lower New York Bay.
"They were just blown away," Decibus said. "It was like their castle."
Rusczyk, 42, said she looked at Decibus "and said under my breath 'I want to marry you.' "
Their second date was at the lighthouse. Then it became standard. Decibus, Rusczyk and the boys visited Sandy Hook nearly every weekend since then. They developed routines. They rode bicycles and collected seashells. They climbed the steel steps of the lighthouse. Then they drove back home to Lambertville, laid out their seashells and knocked the sand from their shoes into a bucket.
"We looked like beach people, living on the Delaware," Decibus said.
After Superstorm Sandy hit and paralyzed Sandy Hook, Decibus contacted a friend to see whether there was anything he could do to help. His friend linked him with the National Park Service, which controls most of the barrier. It accepted the offer. For every weekend until February, Decibus and Rusczyk shoveled sand while the boys explored the area.
This past summer, Decibus and Rusczyk casually floated the idea of marriage.
"She said, 'Let's do it, but I want to be married at the lighthouse, like I said,' " Decibus recalled.
Most people who get married on Sandy Hook do so at a small chapel. A wedding in the lighthouse had never been done before, and for good reason. A large Fresnel lens occupies most of the space at the top of the lighthouse. It is ringed by a steel platform that can fit, at most, 8 people at one time, said Daphne Yun, a spokeswoman for Gateway National Recreation Area.
For a wedding, the park requires a special use permit, for $100, she said. It also requires a liability  pikachu costume  insurance policy, Decibus said, for $3 million. He got both.

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